Sale Cottage Slovakia

Real estate listings

KREMNICKÉ BANE-Sale of a cottage near SKI KRAHULE Sale 69.990,- €
KREMNICKÉ BANE-Sale of a cottage near SKI KRAHULE

Are you looking for a cottage in a beautiful quiet environment where you can spend your free time with family or friends and relax from the hustle and bustle of...

Cottage 132.37 m2 Kremnické Bane / Kremnické bane
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Čergov, Komárno, Slovakia Sale 30.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Čergov, Komárno, Slovakia

We offer for sale a brick cottage 3 x 5 m that is 15 m2 with an ornamental garden in the recreation area near Kolárovo, Čergov location. The land has...

Cottage 15 m2 Kolárovo / Čergov
Cottage, Terchová, Sale, Žilina, Slovakia Sale 48.990,- €
Cottage, Terchová, Sale, Žilina, Slovakia

1. Reality Rent offers a unique opportunity to own a traditional wooden house in a picturesque environment by a stream in the cadastral territory of Terchová osada Kvočkovci.This authentic...

Cottage 75 m2 Terchová / Kvočkovci
Vojka nad Dunajom - 3 bedroom holiday home with waterside services Sale 159.000,- €
Vojka nad Dunajom - 3 bedroom holiday home with waterside services

Buy joy. Buy a cottage and not just any cottage, but a recreation house by the water with services. Houses for People offers for sale a recreation house in a...

Cottage 95 m2 Vojka nad Dunajom
Sale Cottage, Cottage, nad Mlýnmi, Dunajská Streda, Slovakia Sale 120.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, nad Mlýnmi, Dunajská Streda, Slovakia

DESCRIPTION OF THE COTTAGE:Real estate agency Domy pre ľúdů offers for sale a two-story recreational cottage with year-round use with a usable area of 73.1 m2 in a beautiful...

Cottage 73.1 m2 Gabčíkovo / nad Mlýnmi
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Čiakov, Bytča, Slovakia Sale 95.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Čiakov, Bytča, Slovakia

1. Reality Rent offers for sale a cozy and stylish wooden cottage in the cadastral territory of Kolárovice, specifically in the Čiakov part. This cottage is located in the middle...

Cottage 125 m2 Kolárovice / Čiakov
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Žilina, Slovakia Sale 119.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Žilina, Slovakia

1.Reality Rent offers you an original wooden house for sale in the sought-after location of Mala Fatra in the village of Terchová, part of Šípková. The property is located...

Cottage 100 m2 Terchová
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Mojšova Lúčka, Žilina, Slovakia Sale 36.500,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Mojšova Lúčka, Žilina, Slovakia

1.Reality Rent, s.r.o., offers for sale a garden cottage with privately owned land in a gardening settlement in Mojšová Lúčka. The cabin itself has a built-up area...

Cottage 34 m2 Mojšova Lúčka / Mojšova Lúčka
FOR SALE Cottage with a beautiful vineyard, Hrušov, Slovakia Sale 74.500,- €
FOR SALE Cottage with a beautiful vineyard, Hrušov, Slovakia

REDUCED PRICEAre you looking for a beautiful and clean environment near Košice?Are you searching for peace and privacy with stunning views?Do you dream of owning and tending to...

Cottage 20 m2 Hrušov
SALE Holiday cottage in the High Tatras / 104.500 € Sale 104.500,- €
SALE Holiday cottage in the High Tatras / 104.500 €

I offer for sale a recreational cottage in a pleasant, quiet environment of the Podtatra village of Štôla in the Poprad district with excellent accessibility to popular tourist locations. Close...

Cottage 72 m2 Štôla
KOŠICE/NORTHERN CITY - A beautiful garden in touch with the city Sale 73.000,- €
KOŠICE/NORTHERN CITY - A beautiful garden in touch with the city

We present for sale a beautiful garden in the popular gardening area of ​​Račí potok in Košice, ideal for those looking for a piece of nature to relax or grow...

Cottage 393 m2 Košice - mestská časť Sever / Račí potok
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Mrázova, Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia Sale 99.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia Sale 155.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia
Cottage 107 m2 Moravské Lieskové
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Košice - Vyšné Opátske, Slovakia Sale 54.900,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Košice - Vyšné Opátske, Slovakia
Cottage 0 m2 Košice - mestská časť Vyšné Opátske
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Pod Šiklóšom, Levice, Slovakia Sale 79.900,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Pod Šiklóšom, Levice, Slovakia
Cottage 88 m2 Levice / Pod Šiklóšom
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia Sale 27.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia Sale 19.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia Sale 32.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia
Cottage 30 m2 Mýtne Ludany
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia Sale 39.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Plachého, Bratislava - Dúbravka, Slovakia Sale 95.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Plachého, Bratislava - Dúbravka, Slovakia
Cottage 24 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka / Plachého
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Zúgov, Nové Zámky, Slovakia Sale 68.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Zúgov, Nové Zámky, Slovakia
Cottage 36 m2 Nové Zámky / Zúgov
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Nové Zámky, Slovakia Sale 42.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Nové Zámky, Slovakia
Cottage 350 m2 Nové Zámky
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Hrdinov SNP, Martin, Slovakia Sale 74.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Hrdinov SNP, Martin, Slovakia
Cottage 80 m2 Martin / Hrdinov SNP
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Vrútky, Martin, Slovakia Sale 129.990,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Vrútky, Martin, Slovakia
Cottage 100 m2 Martin / Vrútky
Sale Cottage, Cottage, devínske jazero, Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves Sale 199.900,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, devínske jazero, Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves
Cottage 80 m2 Bratislava - Devínske Jazero / devínske jazero
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Slnečné jazerá, Senec, Slovakia Sale 185.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Slnečné jazerá, Senec, Slovakia
Cottage 89 m2 Senec / Slnečné jazerá
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Devínska cesta, Bratislava - Devín, Slovakia Sale 124.000,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Devínska cesta, Bratislava - Devín, Slovakia
Cottage 22 m2 Bratislava - Devín / Devínska cesta
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Šípkové, Piešťany, Slovakia Sale 54.990,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Šípkové, Piešťany, Slovakia
Cottage 60 m2 Vrbové / Šípkové
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Biely Kostol, Trnava, Slovakia Sale 144.900,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Biely Kostol, Trnava, Slovakia
Cottage 110 m2 Biely Kostol / Biely Kostol
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Biely Kostol, Trnava, Slovakia Sale 144.900,- €
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Biely Kostol, Trnava, Slovakia
Cottage 110 m2 Biely Kostol / Biely Kostol
Title Price Property type Space Location Type
KREMNICKÉ BANE-Sale of a cottage near SKI KRAHULE 69.990,- € Cottage 132.37 m2 Kremnické Bane
Kremnické bane
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Čergov, Komárno, Slovakia 30.000,- € Cottage 15 m2 Kolárovo
Cottage, Terchová, Sale, Žilina, Slovakia 48.990,- € Cottage 75 m2 Terchová
Vojka nad Dunajom - 3 bedroom holiday home with waterside services 159.000,- € Cottage 95 m2 Vojka nad Dunajom Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, nad Mlýnmi, Dunajská Streda, Slovakia 120.000,- € Cottage 73.1 m2 Gabčíkovo
nad Mlýnmi
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Čiakov, Bytča, Slovakia 95.000,- € Cottage 125 m2 Kolárovice
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Žilina, Slovakia 119.000,- € Cottage 100 m2 Terchová Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Mojšova Lúčka, Žilina, Slovakia 36.500,- € Cottage 34 m2 Mojšova Lúčka
Mojšova Lúčka
FOR SALE Cottage with a beautiful vineyard, Hrušov, Slovakia 74.500,- € Cottage 20 m2 Hrušov Sale
SALE Holiday cottage in the High Tatras / 104.500 € 104.500,- € Cottage 72 m2 Štôla Sale
KOŠICE/NORTHERN CITY - A beautiful garden in touch with the city 73.000,- € Cottage 393 m2 Košice - mestská časť Sever
Račí potok
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Mrázova, Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia 99.000,- € Cottage 199 m2 Hnilčík
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia 155.000,- € Cottage 107 m2 Moravské Lieskové Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Košice - Vyšné Opátske, Slovakia 54.900,- € Cottage 0 m2 Košice - mestská časť Vyšné Opátske Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Pod Šiklóšom, Levice, Slovakia 79.900,- € Cottage 88 m2 Levice
Pod Šiklóšom
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia 27.000,- € Cottage 0 m2 Levice Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia 19.000,- € Cottage 40 m2 Santovka Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia 32.000,- € Cottage 30 m2 Mýtne Ludany Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Levice, Slovakia 39.000,- € Cottage 70 m2 Pukanec Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Plachého, Bratislava - Dúbravka, Slovakia 95.000,- € Cottage 24 m2 Bratislava - Dúbravka
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Zúgov, Nové Zámky, Slovakia 68.000,- € Cottage 36 m2 Nové Zámky
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Nové Zámky, Slovakia 42.000,- € Cottage 350 m2 Nové Zámky Sale
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Hrdinov SNP, Martin, Slovakia 74.000,- € Cottage 80 m2 Martin
Hrdinov SNP
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Vrútky, Martin, Slovakia 129.990,- € Cottage 100 m2 Martin
Sale Cottage, Cottage, devínske jazero, Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves 199.900,- € Cottage 80 m2 Bratislava - Devínske Jazero
devínske jazero
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Slnečné jazerá, Senec, Slovakia 185.000,- € Cottage 89 m2 Senec
Slnečné jazerá
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Devínska cesta, Bratislava - Devín, Slovakia 124.000,- € Cottage 22 m2 Bratislava - Devín
Devínska cesta
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Šípkové, Piešťany, Slovakia 54.990,- € Cottage 60 m2 Vrbové
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Biely Kostol, Trnava, Slovakia 144.900,- € Cottage 110 m2 Biely Kostol
Biely Kostol
Sale Cottage, Cottage, Biely Kostol, Trnava, Slovakia 144.900,- € Cottage 110 m2 Biely Kostol
Biely Kostol