Sale Recreational land, Recreational land, Kučišdorfská dolina, Pezino

Country.: Slovakia
City.: Pezinok
Location.: Pezinok
Street.: Kučišdorfská dolina
28100 m²
Sale - Recreational land
337.200,- €
12,- €/m2 incl. commissions
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29140x Listing appeared in search results / 415x Listing viewed detailed / 65x The offer was shown this month

We offer an interesting plot of land near the reservoir in the Kučišdorfská dolina recreational area, 10 minutes by car from the center of Pezinok.
Possible uses for the land: recreational and leisure activities, sports activities, animal breeding (horses, etc.)
The land can also be purchased as an investment; it is in close proximity to recreational cottages, some of which are used for permanent living.
Utilities: water, electricity, and sewage are within reach.

The land consists of two adjacent parcels that can be purchased together or separately:


9,500 m² (width from the road approx. 80 m x length 100 m) priced at€114,000
18,600 m² (width from the road approx. 170 m x length 90 m) priced at€223,200

Total: 28,100 m² priced at€337,200

For more information or to schedule a viewing, please contact us at

Take advantage of the services of a reliable real estate agency that has been on the market for more than 22 years! We also offer additional real estate services: engineering, permit processing, architect services, appraisal services, mortgage consulting, and legal services.

Make use of comprehensive real estate services! For more information, visit our website, RK Kľúč.

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Listing summary

Lot size28100 m²
Ownershippersonal property
Waterpublic water-supply
Electric voltage230/400V
Sewer systemyes
System connectionnear
Terrainmild slope
Access roadasphalt road

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