Rent Studio, Studio, Vodárenská, Galanta, Slovakia
Country.: Slovakia
City.: Galanta
Location.: Galanta
Street.: Vodárenská
83377x Listing appeared in search results / 455x Listing viewed detailed / 206x The offer was shown this month
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Listing summary
Total area | 40 m² |
Useful area | 40 m² |
Floor | 4 |
Total floors | 4 |
Number of rooms | 1 |
Ownership | personal property |
Condition | reconstructed |
Status | active |
Waste disposal | separable |
Gas connection | no |
Internet | no |
Bathroom | bath |
Heating | central |
Balcony | yes |
Utility room | yes |
Garage | no |
Elevator | no |
Parking | public |
Build from | brick |
Furnishing | furnished |
Thermal insulation | yes |
Swimming pool | indoor |
Fireplace | no |
Air Condition | yes |
Cable TV | no |
Accessibility | no |
Windows | plastic |